A Madness Combat, it's probably one of my favorite Newgrounds Series of all time. Lots of amazing characters filled with personality and violent bloody action. Also huge shoutout to AngelDrawRus for making the Wall art, what an underrated artist and I'm glad she got some recognition! For this news post I wanted to talk about my two old madness fangames and a new madness game project in the works
Back in 2021, I really got interested in making a Madness Combat fangame. Basically it was a crossover with Madness and Castle Crashers where you beat up enemies and go right. Just a classic action beat 'em up, sounds fun right? It took me less than 2 weeks to create it if I recall it correctly. I had a lot of fun making it without any other care in the world and I was able to finish it and upload it on Newgrounds.
For the aftermath it got 5th daily place, but no frontpage. Nothing that bad, I mean, I was just starting out so yeah. But putting two big series into a game crossover made by a person who is still learning game dev, isn't the best idea in the end. That game greeted me to the world of the lovely Newgrounds reviewers here. The ones with no heart, extremely condescending, pissed on hell, and for what, a stupid fangame I made dearly? I know that it isn't the best game and there are many flaws but holy, not even a little bit of encouragement from the reviews the game received. I even got threatened in PMs. I tried being nice, but man.. I should've just told these assholes to fuck off and shove their reviews up their ass.
In 2022, I made a sequel around a Hot Dog Stand. Mediocre and I didn't care for it enough to still be published.
Right now I'm trying to make another short Madness fangame without any of those castle crashers crossover bullshit. Featuring Newark and Frances. It's pretty simple, kill the agents and grunts. Collect different weapons and guns and all that jazz. Not the most interesting, but I don't care. I might work on it more if people really seem to like it. If not, back to Egoradise it is.
Here's some gameplay footage up on twitter
Anyways that's it. Have a nice Madness Day folks, and remember to love yourself