Phew! Finally finished Unprofessional Mischief! Easily one of the longest games I've worked on without switching back and forth between other game projects. I think it was 2-3 months. The general reception was great and maybe it's fine the way it is already.
The game!*!
I've experienced the post burnout effect but got over it 1-2 days ago. I'm thinking of remaking Riley's Rampage again for the third time. It's been 6 months since I conceived the idea of it and had an on and off relation to it unfortunately. I've made 5 games before I actually got to finish it. I think it's because I feel like the game won't be good enough for everyone. 3D is an awesome dimension to work with but can be an extremely big fat pain the ass sometimes.
But now that Florbert Engine has gotten a new update on overhauling some 3D elements I might be able to actually finish Riley's Rampage, with the right motivation.
Radical Riley and Sprie art I made